We currently provide a few demo options. Our primary build, which includes most of our 3D models in a single cohesive scene, is available for the Oculus Rift/Touch running on Windows 10 machines. Please note that this is a work in progress and is a bit rough around the edges.
We also plan to introduce a build for the HTC Vive in the future.
Aerial shot of primary build with the Temple of Bel on the bottom left
Web Builds
We also provide a number of web-based builds using WebGL. These will be much smaller in scope, but will allow you to view some of our models directly in your browser.
In the future, we hope to incorporate the emerging WebVR standards, which would allow these to be played in VR using a supported browser.
The first two of these, for the Temple of Nabu and Temple of Bel, can be accessed with the links below.